Having problems using and viewing our website? Try each of the following suggestions to see whether the issue can quickly be resolved.
1. Refresh the page
Click the reload button , press the F5 function key, or the combination of Ctrl + R.
2. Clear the cache and cookies from the web browser
The cache is a tool used by your internet browser to speed up the page loading process. However, sometimes it can cause a problem when conflicting code and data cause an issue.
Once the cache has been cleared, close the browser, then re-open it again.
3. Check that the browser is the most current version or try another browser
To check if the browser is up to date, go to Help in the menu, then click on About. The browser version will be displayed there, as well as a notification regarding any updates.
If there are issues while using one browser, try another. Chrome and Firefox are highly recommended.
4. Restart the computer/device
Restart the computer or device. Do not simply shut down the computer as that merely takes a quick image snapshot of your preferences and settings and will load them exactly as before when switched on again. Only a restart will clear the memory, properly close all running applications, refresh the operating system, and start everything anew.
5. Check the internet connection
6. If the issue is still not resolved, contact the administrator
Should the problem persist, feel free to contact us and keep in mind, more information is always better.
Please feel free to contact us, as any technical difficulty that we can resolve will help us improve your web experience.
4454 Genoa Red Bluff Rd. Houston, TX 77059